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easyfundraising - www.saintmarysoswaldtwistle.co.uk

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St Mary's Oswaldtwistle Community Care Fund

This scheme has been in operation at St Mary's since 2013 and has been used to help fund many projects from personal resettlement into our parish, then supporting disabled parishioners to go on the parish trip to Lourdes. In all we have raised over £1,000 plus Gift Aid contribution with support from our members.
Now in these present financially difficult times anything we collectively can do to help support and safeguard St Mary’s buildings has to be good for our future.
This scheme costs you nothing only a few minutes to log into the easyfundraising app or web page and the cash-back deal from the retailers is sent directly to our fund. All it needs is for you to register free and follow the simple instructions each time you sign in to one of the participating retailers.
Over 7,000 brands including Amazon, eBay, John Lewis & Partners, Argos and M&S will donate to St Mary's Oswaldtwistle Community Care Fund for FREE when you use easyfundraising to shop online with them.
Retailers such as ASDA and many others may offer this donation with on-line home delivery weekly shopping and click and collect services, imagine say 1% of your normal shopping bill being donated each week which could generate £30 or more over the year for the parish absolutely free.
There are no catches or hidden charges and St Mary's Oswaldtwistle Community Care Fund will be really grateful for your donations.
Please remember to use easyfundraising when you do your Christmas online shopping this year.
This means you can raise donations for us when you buy anything from decorations and festive food shopping to gifts like toys, jewellery, tech, experiences and more!
These donations really help us and all you have to do is use easyfundraising when you’re ordering the things you’ll be buying anyway.

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