Lately Dead and Anniversaries -

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Please feel free to submit the names of any loved ones who may have died lately, or whose anniversaries occur about this time. If you wish them to be included on this page please follow this link: -

Please complete the form on this link with all the information requested, it helps us post it in the right table.
Please submit your entry for inclusion in a specific month at the beginning of the month if possible to get maximum inclusion.
Should you wish to give a donation please place your gift in an envelope marked "Mass Offering" and drop it in the collection basket during Mass offertory.

God Bless.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.

Nancy Pinder


Kathleen Bateson


Sarah Welch

Kevin Ryder

Jean Dwyer

Lately Dead

Terence Coogan

Muriel Conway

Kathleen May Westwell

Names will be respectfully cleared at the end of each month to allow for a new list to begin.
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